From time to time, you will be notified by email (from [email protected]) of a fabric being backordered or discontinued. This process used to happen on your store Dashboard, but now this will 100% take place on the platform for all internal and external fabrics.
When this happens, that email notification will contain a link that sends you to this page on the platform:
Important things to note:
All relevant info for an order will be displayed in the row for the ASR.
#1) You can access this help article at any time to use as reference when checking or replacing your fabrics.
#2) The Unresolved tab will show all of your store's orders that are awaiting response.
#3) The Waiting for availability tab will show all orders that you've already selected "Wait for availability" on.
#4) The status of the fabric will be noted here (Discontinued - not returning; Backorder - with return expected date when available)
#5) Actions will give you the option to Replace or Wait for availability. Each Action will take you to a different page -->
First option --> Wait for availability
If the fabric is back-ordered, there can be a "Return expected on" date listed here (Jun 1 in the photo above). If the given date is OK for you, you can click the Wait for availability button.
You can also select the Waiting for availability tab at the top of this page to see all the items that are waiting for the availability of a fabric.
Second option --> Replace
If you do not want to wait for the fabric to return, you can replace it with another fabric directly on the platform.
You can select the Replace button (shown above) to get to the following page:
On this page, you will see the original fabric number that is back-ordered and a field to either type in your desired replacement fabric or to search for options (Replacement fabric search field).
Once you have the fabric you wish to use pulled up, you can hit the "Replace with this fabric" button to choose the replacement.
Hitting this button will direct you back to the Unavailable Fabrics screen (first image shown in this article).
To check on your fabric replacement -->
You can now confirm the fabric replacement by going to the item's ASR page. You will see the replacement fabric listed as the fabric number on the item, and listed in the Notes section.
* Things to remember:
1) If you select a replacement for a fabric, you must wait the standard reception time for the material/supplier you've chosen.
2) All dates given for restock dates are directly from the suppliers. There may be a delay in restock (ex: fabric return originally noted as May 1, but now it's July 1). MTM.Design is currently working out the most efficient method for this notification.
3) This procedure is new, and as is MTM.Design's goal for everything that we do, ongoing assessments and changes can and will be made to ensure success and efficiency for everyone. Any changes will be announced through the regular Newsletters sent by MTM.