From time to time, you may want to disable a profile and remove it from your active clients list. When you know you will not do business with a customer anymore, here is how to proceed (please note that this action can be undone):

  • From your main page, go to the customer's profile.
  • Click on whatever box you want (i.e. "General note", "Note shirt" etc).
  • This will make a "disable" button appear on the bottom-left of the page (see picture below).
  • Hit this button and confirm; your client will be deactivated.

  • The customer will no longer be searchable from your main page.
  • However, you will always be able to find it from your "Clients" page (see below).

As you can see, the name of the disabled client will be crossed out.
If you want to enable back the customer, you only have to:
  • Access the customer's profile by clicking on his name (from your "Clients" page).
  • Proceed as if you were to deactivate him but click on "Enable" instead.