When calculating your cost of sales, you don't have to rely only on the invoices you receive from MtM.Design. As a matter of fact, you can easily access a report that breaks down the cost of the garments ordered through us ; it is the brand cost report. Here is where to find it:

  • From your main page, go on the top-left three-bar menu.
  • Click on "Reports".
  • Go under "Brand Cost".
  • This page will open:
  • Select the dates you are interested in checking.
  • Hit the "View" button.

From all the information that shows, here are the most important columns (from left to right):

  • "Charged": whenever an item has actually been charged, you will see the invoice # showing in this column.
  • "Cost per Meter": the cost of the fabric you selected for this specific item.
  • "Fabric Discount": if you benefit from any discounts applied to the main fabric used with this specific item (in %).
  • "Fabric length": amount of fabric actually used for this specific item (in meters).
  • "Fabric usage": cost of the total amount of fabric used for this specific item (Cost per Meter x Fabric length).
  • "Extra Length": amount of fabric used besides the main fabric (lining, contrasting fabric, satin etc, in meters) for this specific item.
  • "Extra": cost of the total amount of fabric used as "Extra Length".
  • "Option Extra Cost": cost of all the options you chose that are not included in your CMT (i.e. Milanese buttonholes) for this specific item.
  • "Make cost": your CMT of this specific item type.
  • "Supplier shipping cost": cost induced by the shipping of any outside fabrics to the maker for this specific item. Obviously, you will not get charged for fabrics that are stocked at RC.
  • "Total cost": sum of all the previous columns related to a cost.

NB: this report does NOT include the international shipping cost of your garments (from the manufacturer to your store).