If you use the "Bespoke" section when it comes to measuring jackets (meaning you don't use try-ons), here is how you should proceed:

  • Select the cut your customer desires. Basically, the cut accounts for the allowance given to the chest, the waist and the seat of the jacket.
  • In order to respect your customers' proportions, we suggest that you always keep in mind the overall look of the garments you create when inputting measurements.

As a matter of fact, you have to measure a double breasted jacket in the same way as if it were single breasted, even when it comes to the waist button position.

  • Measure the button stance to the centre of the waist (NOT to where the actual buttons will be placed).
  • The maker will know where to place the buttons based on the stance measurement you provide.

NB: Please note that all the measurement sections that are grey (not black) are NOT mandatory.