When you need to reach out to MTM.Design to help solve a problem, get some more information, or generally express a concern or question you have a quick and easy way to do so.
From your home page on the platform, you will see a button that says Support at the top (#1 in the image below), near the New Client button. The Support button will bring up a small window on the bottom right side of your home page with articles, a search bar, and a Contact Us button (#2 below). In here, you are able to search the database of Help article (available to you 24/7) and submit a ticket to [email protected] or [email protected].
When you select Contact Us, a new form appears and will prompt you for some information:
As seen in the above image, there are 4 categories of question you can submit:
- Question -> This is generally treated as any production-related question or request.
- Incident - technical issue -> Usually selected for any time you experience an error when trying to access a link, click a button, or hit something that shows an error message.
- Feature Request -> This is for any feature you'd like to see on the platform, or part of MTM's processes. These are usually treated as low priority and may take some time to fulfill, if possible.
- Problem -> This option is for any technical issue you experience on the platform (ex: a link not working as it should, a missing packing list, etc.)
You are also able to select the priority of your question - and please keep in mind, these priority settings to relate to the Service Level Agreement and may be adjusted accordingly by MTM.Design. The SLA can be viewed here:
Technology Services: Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Impact/Urgency Matrix
After selecting a priority level for your question, you can input information in a field, attach files or take a live screenshot of the page you're on.
Important to remember:
- This will be the information used to solve a question or problem. The more info we receive, the better.
- More info will allow us to minimize the time spent going back and forth with questions, getting to a solution quicker.
- If there's a technical issue with the platform, please make sure to include a URL, screenshots, screen records, or any other information you can. Even if you don't think it's important, the IT team may need it to aid in the investigation.
When you are finished filling in the fields, you can hit Send and you will receive a follow-up email from either Help or Support at MTM.Design very shortly.