The sheet formerly known as the Dashboard has now been redesigned and added to the platform.
What does this mean?? You no longer need to access the Google sheet to place special requests or check on questions from the maker!
Everything will be visible on the platform and accessible from a few different locations.
***Please note --- all backordered and discontinued fabrics will continue to be managed from your Unavailable Fabrics page! ***
This article will include a video explanation of the new process for Version 1, screenshots of the pages, and some best practices moving forward.
For the video summary, please click the video image link -->
How to access the Remarks page
1) Orders > Supplier > Remarks
To see a list of open Remarks to and from MTM, you can go to Orders (from the menu on the left), then Supplier, and then Remarks. This will take you to a page similar to the Unavailable Fabrics menu.
What am I seeing on this page??
--> 3 tabs are shown here, which will house different Remarks.
- Action required will show a list of items with questions from the maker, thus needing action.
- Processing will work as Pending did on the Google sheet; any orders waiting a response f from the maker will be listed on this tab.
- All remarks acts as Archived; all resolved remarks will be stored here
--> All Remarks will display the last user to add a remark and a timestamp.
--> You can take action quickly by entering your response directly in the field under the Remark, then hit Send to MTM.
*** After you respond on this page, you will see the order move to Processing with a banner showing Message sent successfully.
2) Cart Page > ASR/item page > Manage Remarks
On an item's ASR/item page, you will see a button labeled "Manage Remarks". When you click this, it will take you to a new page, looking similar to a text or message conversation. You'll then be able to type your request. **Note, make sure to be concise in your request and not use it as a conversation tool.
If you are designing an item and you plan on adding a Special Request through the Remarks page, you will need to select the box on the tab on the builder (or, hit the Special Request Bell from the cart page) -->
When you send your request, it will appear on the right side. When the team sees your request, their answer will appear on the left side (appearing typically like a text conversation).
** Just like MTM would do so on your Dashboard, the team will mark the request as "Resolved" when the conversation is finished, moving the thread to the All Remarks tab (functioning as Archived).
** Best practices & tips for the new Remarks page -->
1) Email Customer Service at [email protected] to confirm any applicable codes.
--> The Remarks page will still function with the same behaviors as the Dashboard. If you don't know the ecode for a design request, you need to confirm with MTM first.
2) Limit your Remarks to 1 "message" at a time.
--> Similar to the Dashboard, you wouldn't use more than 1 cell to make a request on 1 item. You need to treat sending a message like this; don't send more than 1 at a time (unless necessary).
3) Check the Remarks page on a daily basis.
--> You need to check this on a regular, frequent basis to ensure orders don't get stuck waiting for your answers to makers' questions.